Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): May
The Idarotuna : Jurnal of Administrative Science is an interdisciplinary journal aims to prompt discussion, sharing and debate on topical issues of particular interest or concern in the developed and developing world. It deliberates the theoretical and empirical articles that incorporate with the administrative science issues from interrelated disciplinary standpoints. The journal welcomes contributions from scholars from the humanities and social sciences with a research interest in the developed and developing world. The journal is published by the Program Study of Office Administrative, Akademi Komunitas Teknologi Syarifuddin (AKTS). It is accredited "Sinta 5" by Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research and Innovation Agency Republic of Indonesia Number: 230/E/KPT/2022 on December 30, 2022. This dynamic field is focused at the center of such contemporary public policy debates as the future of administrative sience, the business Adminstrative, the changing role of bisnis sector management in the achievement of organisational goals and objectives.
Strategi Marketing Mix pada Bisnis Tanaman Hias untuk Mencapai Keunggulan Bersaing Ditinjau dari Etika Bisnis Islam
DOI : 10.54471/idarotuna.v4i1.39 , Abstract views: 365 , Downloads : 352 -
Literasi Kewirausahaan Sosial Islam Pada Pengusaha Muslim di Indonesia
DOI : 10.54471/idarotuna.v4i1.40 , Abstract views: 262 , Downloads : 370 -
Kreativitas dan Inovasi Terhadap Peningkatan Volume Penjualan di Masa Pandemi
DOI : 10.54471/idarotuna.v4i1.41 , Abstract views: 186 , Downloads : 226 -
Excellent Service: Studi Implementasi pada Koperasi Syariah
DOI : 10.54471/idarotuna.v4i1.42 , Abstract views: 265 , Downloads : 203 -
A Review of The Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats Facing Muslim-friendly Tourism in The Jepara District of Indonesia
DOI : 10.54471/idarotuna.v4i1.43 , Abstract views: 219 , Downloads : 152 -
Optimalisasi Layanan Digital Islamic Network dalam Meningkatkan Kemudahan Bertransaksi Nasabah Bank Muamalat
DOI : 10.54471/idarotuna.v4i1.44 , Abstract views: 390 , Downloads : 442 -
Budaya Kerja Optimal Adminstrasi Keuangan: Studi Implementasi di Kantor Kecamatan
DOI : 10.54471/idarotuna.v4i1.45 , Abstract views: 103 , Downloads : 103 -
Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi dalam Administrasi Pengarsipan di Surabaya
DOI : 10.54471/idarotuna.v4i1.48 , Abstract views: 420 , Downloads : 495